Oh lonesome mind, where do you wander?
You have scaled up the mightly mountain
of mindfulness
Yet at the lofty peak of wisdom, you stray at mere pittances!
Oh lonesome wandering mind!
Be thou beware of the five
Fogged by form; an empty treasure
Luring lust, and sensual pleasure
Makes you crave, and make you
Luring lust and sensual pleasure
Oh lonesome wandering mind!
Beware of the first of the
The masters of life’s most
deplorable state
Ill will, anger, and morbid hate
They form and fuel, every negative
And Lead the world, to an
apocalyptic fate
Ill will, anger, and morbid hate
Oh lonesome wandering mind !
Beware of the second of the
Motivational inertia, so easy to
Laziness, sloth and torpor
Makes you slip and makes you
Makes creep when you should leap

Laziness sloth and Torpor
Oh, lonesome wandering mind!
Beware of the third of the hindrances!
Rippling the placid mind;
gurgling it in a flurry
Restlessness anxiety and
pointless worry
Kills the now and breaks the merry
Ruminations of negativity in an anxious slurry
Restlessness anxiety and
pointless worry
Oh lonesome wandering mind !
Beware of the fourth of the
A blunted knife of reason; filled
with naivety and flout
Untested beliefs and unreasonable
Pointless skepticism and hasty
With mindless superstition and
carelessness that sprouts
Untested belief and unreasonable
Oh lonesome wandering mind!
Beware of the fifth of the
hindrances !
Oh lonesome mind! Don’t you wander!
You have scaled up the mighty mountain
of mindfulness
Yet at the lofty peak of wisdom, don’t
you stray!
Oh lonesome wandering mind!
Be thous beware of the five
Fogged by form; an empty treasure
Luring lust and sensual pleasure
The masters of life’s most deplorable state
Ill will, anger and morbid hate
Motivational inertia, so easy to harbor
Laziness sloth and Torpor
Ruminations of negativity in an anxious slurry
Restlessness anxiety and
pointless worry
A bunted knife of reason; filled with naivety and flout
Untested beliefs and unreasonable
Oh lonesome wandering mind
As you scale the mighty mountain of mindfulness
Be thou beware of the five hindrances !!