The heart of all is emptiness
The soul of all is emptiness
Essence of all things is emptiness
Emptiness! Emptiness!
Everything is emptiness!
The body you and I reside, is emptiness
The mind you fathom with, is emptiness
Sensation and feeling; thought and intent
Urge and action; perception and consciousness
All of these are nothing but emptiness!
All phenomena are emptiness
All objects are but emptiness
Dependent rising is emptiness
Causality is emptiness
So in emptiness
Nothing is born and nothing dies
Nothing is pure, nothing is defiled
Nothing rises and nothing falls
Nothing exists without the all
So also in emptiness
There are no eyes and there are no ears
No act of seeing; no act of hearing
No thought; no feeling
No desire; no craving
No free will; No consciousness
No perception; no knowledge
No ignorance; no suffering
No birth and no death
Thus is the truth of emptiness! The wisdom of emptiness!
The heart of all things! Emptiness!
Emptiness!! Emptiness!