Saturday 13 August 2011


You were the lightening of my barren sky

As you struck me with love so suddenly

You lit my sky with life and meaning

Yet you went away in a flash

As I open my eyes in a blink  

Your form has left me, and my heart bleeding

Yet your presence haunts me everyday

Your laugher crackles in the monsoon sky

And your smile fills the face of every passer by         

Your desperate prayers still ring the bell, of every empty shrine

And your memories plough through, every nostalgic thought of mine

Your little life in fast forward, flashes into every frame of mind

As your pointless pain, defies the limits of space and time

Yet, your life has led me!!

Led me to the meaning of love and the meaning of life

Your life made me realize!!

Love!! And only Love is the meaning of life !


  1. simply superb...heartfeels this......

  2. lovely piece!
    Are the images yours?

  3. Thank you ...but the painting is a Picasso :)
