Wednesday 1 February 2012


Oh lost and lonely soul; wandering the mind’s deluded maze  

Don’t you ever want to break free?

Do you try to; but fall back

Fall back into the pit of carnal perseveration !

Don’t your self crafted keys of stealth and passion

Lead not to eternal liberation?

Listen then thou ; oh lost soul; to this ancient wisdom

Let the music of love play, and the bell of reason ring

As you step towards the three doors of liberation

The first door to liberation; Emptiness

Step in if you please  

Where everything is connected; everything’s a blend

Everything is composite; and it all comes to end

Nothing is inherent; and no object has essence

Where ego is delusional, and self, a mere pretence

 Thus is the eternal door of Emptiness

The first door to liberation

The second door to liberation; Signlessness

Step in if you please
Formless is the object; but to reality it’s blind  

Boundaries and borders, drawn up by the viewing mind

For, there is no separate existence

And there is no separate entity

Words and labels seem to point ;  but the truth is devoid of self identity

Thus is the eternal door of  signlessness

The second  door to liberation

The third door to liberation ; aimlessness
Walk in if you please

There is no purpose ; other that the present moment

No craving, no longing, no anxiety to torment

No wishing , no compulsion ; no pressure to do

Live the moment, and feel its true

Thus is the eternal door of aimlessness

The third door to liberation

Oh lost and lonely soul of the mind

Step through the three doors of liberation

With keys of reason and  eyes of compassion

With emptiness, signlessness and aimlessness

Wake up! Wake up to the awakened one ! 

1 comment:

  1. ITs the acceptance of this aimless attachment that will empty our bearings and help our liberation independently!!
