Wednesday, 15 May 2013


One truth, two lies; I believe!

One truth, two lies; my philosophy!

One; the truth of impermanence

Two; the lies of trust and hope

Sailing the insatiable sea of impermanence

On the fragile boat of trust and hope

I may or may not reach my willful destination

But in true happiness; I shall live,

And in true happiness I shall die!  

Tied down to the rock of self pity  

Grabbing desperately on the straw of my ego

With no trust or hope to pull me out

Will I not surely drown, in fatal misery?

So my mind says, dear friend!

One truth, two lies; I believe

One truth, two lies; my philosophy!


The violence of the silence is killing

The aggression of uncertainty is compelling

Turbulent seas of emotion are overflowing

But how much can my cup of words hold?


Toiling endlessly! With cups and spades

Spending time and energy

Passion and devotion

 Hours of sweat and grime

Finally! Happy and proud?

Of all my precious achievements!   Of all that I claimed mine!

But as the turbulent waves keep rising and falling

How long can my castle of sand last!


Who runs this show in my mind?

Who is the actor; who is the audience?

When I peep into the silence of my minds back stage

Through the glassy haze; all I see is only  emptiness! 

Yet, some one puts up the screen

Someone keeps the camera keeps rolling

But, who is it then, who watches?

Some one seems to act; someone gestures

But, who is the one who directs? 

There is no script, there is no written dialogue

But who is it, who speaks words from my mouth ? 

In this ever-unfolding mystery, of the show of my life  

Where no one performs; and no one watches ! 

 Who is it, who awaits curtains fall?


In the preciousness of the moment

The nascent bud blossoms

The conceited heart opens

And the fountain of love overflows

In this precious moment

“I” finally cease


In my mind is the rise and fall of civilization

In me, existence and non existence come to meet

 From dawn to dusk, another day passes

As in my mind, space and time endlessly wander

In this nothingness lies everything

And in everything, there lies no essence

In my mind; is the rise and fall of existence! 

In my mind; I’m finally free!


Wisdom speaks; wisdom remains silent

Context and time vary, and people too  

In this world where words have many a meaning

And ego hinders communication

Oh enlightened soul!

How does one wisely speak?

Words; un-factual, untrue and un-beneficial

Words unconnected with the goal of ultimate happiness

As Un-endearing and disagreeable as they may be

The wise one does not speak!

Words; factual, true, but un-beneficial

Unconnected with the goal of ridding, greed ,hate and delusion

As un-endearing and disagreeable as they may be

The wise one remains silent!

Words; factual, true and beneficial

Leading to the goal of ultimate happiness

As un-endearing and disagreeable as they may be

The wise one speaks; but only at the proper time and context

Words; un-factual, untrue and un-beneficial

Words unconnected with the goal of ultimate happiness

As endearing and agreeable they may be

The wise one does not utter!  

Words; factual, true, but unbeneficial

Unconnected with the goal of ridding greed hate and delusion

As endearing and agreeable they may be

The wise one does not speak!

Words; factual, true and beneficial

Leading to the goal of happiness

As endearing and agreeable as they may be

When the time and context is right

Only then the wise one speaks

In this world where words have many a meaning

And the ego hinders communication

Reflecting upon facts; leading to the goal of ultimate happiness

Devoid of greed hate and delusion

 In the wisely chosen context and time

Irrespective of its agreeability

The wise one speaks

Thus my friend is wisdom! Thus is the Wisdom of speech!


The soil of the mind is tilled fertile

The knowledge is hidden

The fruit is buried

The seed is ripe

But without the moisture within

Can wisdom sprout?


In the freshness of the morning, I become sunshine

In the darkness of the night, I shine as the moon

In spring of hope, I blossom in every tree

In autumn of acceptance, I get blown away

This is the light of my understanding

This is the light that has made me free!

Faraway in an unknown land

My sentient consciousness still thrives

As the tiger lurking in the mangrove forest

As the deer by the river ready to flee

As the hidden hunter, seeking both their precious hides

My struggling sentience, lives and strives!  

In the concrete jungle of a forgotten ghetto

I take the suffering form, of every human soul

The homeless cripple begging by the road

The corrupt official bending the rule

The penniless mother weeping over her starving child

The cold blooded man guiltless after murder

I am each; I am them all!

This is light of my understanding

This is the light that has made me free

Empathy takes every form; and compassion fills every soul

And when consciousness flows out of the shell of the ego

You too friend can break free!


Looking deep! Deep within 

I see no object

I see no self

Looking deep! Deep within! 

All I see is emptiness!  


With the freshness of morning dew

 I blissfully blossom!

 With the embrace of the comforting breeze

 I fill with fragrance!

With the waning sunshine of the soothing sunset

 I silently wither away!

Happy with my day’s life!

Thursday, 2 May 2013


Head held high and looking down upon the world!

Oh proud friend! Looking down on the rest!

What is it, that gives your colossal Pride?

In this ever-changing world of flux and entropy

How long can you hide in comfort?  

Today!  The freshness of your beauty may charm many an eye

And prettiness and beauty may churn your pride

But in time when wrinkles wring your face

And no pretty veil can hide your forsaken fate

Will your pride be more than skin deep ?

Today you are young and healthy

Surrounded by friends and family

Respected by the  respectable

In you, happiness and completeness transiently reside !

But beware friend! You are not their permanent abode!  

When the arrow of disease strikes you

And the scorching old age, shrivels you up

When you are left helpless by the road;and all family has left you

No more possessions left with you , to be respected

What else will you be proud about?

Knowledge and experience!

And if luck serves you, even wisdom!

All of these seem to adorn you today!

But when the brain erodes with time, and the mind fades away

As you lie lonely and a forgotten, in a  bed of an uncanny institution

Will you be able to walk unassisted?

Unable to remember your very own name

Unable to say night from day

Unaware of your own soiling

Lying at the mercy of someone to clean you ! 

Will you still remember your wiser days with pride?  

Oh proud friend! In this ever-changing world of flux and entropy

What you have today; will vanish tomorrow!

Pride of possession and position ;  knowledge and beauty

Will they sustain you when are left dying!

Tell me dear friend!

Will they preserve your rotting flesh !